Stone Gate Farm
Monday, May 28, 2022
Sunday, October 00, 2022
Hanoverton, Ohio
Show grounds:
31407 Schneider Rd.
Hanoverton, OH 44423
Jackie Smith 330-222-2089
Available - $25 + $10 stall cleaning deposit (sep. check - destroyed if stall left clean) or $10 stall cleaning service to benefit the Western Reserve Pony Club.
Time Schedule:
Check-in from 10am - noon
Jumping riders on course at noon
Pre-entries can request an approximate start time
$25 per horse/per class
Good food & refreshments available
Trail Riders Division offered
Make checks payable to:
Stone Gate LLC
Attn: Hunter Pace Entry
31407 Schneider Rd.
Hanoverton, OH 44423
Memorial Day
Hunter Pace Sign-up
September Fall
Hunter Pace Sign-up
Latest News
Safe to mapquest
Click here for directions - click on the horse icons for SGF & off grounds stabling & the red icons are motels.
map not to scale
Step 1:
From the North on SR 11: The GPS may take you down to Lisbon which is not the quickest way. Exit at either the Canfield exit or SR 46.
From the North on SR 9: Schneider Rd. is 6.3 miles south of Salem and SR 45 Schneider Rd. will be at the bottom of a hill and only goes east (left).
From the South: Schneider Rd. is also at the bottom of a hill as well and is one mile north of SR 172 and only goes to the east (right). Look for the Schneider Rd. sign & the Stone Gate Farm sign at the end of the road.
Step 2:
Once on Schneider Rd. (coming from SR 9) Stone Gate Farm is 3/4 of a mile on the right hand side.
-The house and day parking for competitions are located on the farm.
-For those coming for a lesson or stabling for a competition, go past the main entrance & go to the bottom of the hill & take the next drive on the right which will take you past the dressage rings & the dome & to the stables.
May 1 - Intro to Mt Trail Clinic
May 2 - Mountain Trail Challenge
May 8 - Dressage Show & Fix-A-Test
May 14-16 - Winona Horse Trials (YEH, YEH, S-P)
May 22 - Jumper Show & Derby
May 29-30 - Mountain Trail Challenge
May 31 - Spring Hunter Pace
June 13 - CT and Event Derby
June 19-20 - Stone Gate Farm Mini Trials
July 24-25 - Stone Gate Farm Mini Trial
July - Eric Dierks Clinic TBS
Aug 14-15 - Mountain Trail Challenge
Sept 18-19 - Stone Gate Farm Fall Horse Trials (FEH, S-P)
Sept 25-26 - Mini Trials Championships
Oct 2 - Jumper show & Derby
Oct 3 - Hunter Pace
Show Schedule
Contact Us
Stone Gate Farm
31407 Schneider Rd.
Hanoverton, OH 44423
T: 330.222.2089